1. Facial Wash – Cleanse the area of treatment thoroughly, remove with warm water and pat dry.
2. Hydrating Toner – Apply with a cotton pad to prep the skin. Allow the skin to dry.
3. Revitalizing Mask – Apply a thin layer of Revitalizing Mask over the entire face. Leave on for approximately two to five minutes, depending on sensitivity. If uncomfortable. Remove immediately. Remove with warm water using gentle, circular motions. Pat dry.
4. Apply a mixture of one to two pumps of Hyaluronic Acid Boosting Serum and a pea sized amount of C&E Advanced to the face and neck.
Hydrate and Protect
5. HydraLuxe and the appropriate PCA SKIN® broad spectrum SPF product – Complete the treatment with this combination to calm, hydrate and protect the skin from UVA and UVB exposure.